29 April 2008

Highlights of Galapagos Islands. The End.

Day 6, Tuesday, April 23

Morning - Rabida Island with its red beach

Afternoon - Sombrero Chino Island. In the sunset light the island looked amazing. The green hill, corral beach (not sand!), lava stones, cliffs...

Day 6 pictures

Day 7, Wednesday, April 24

Bartolomé is a young volcanic island. Purple, red, orange volcanic formations, cones and a 35C degree heat made it Mars experience for me! The island is famous for its Pinnacle Rock and the panoramic view from the top.

In the afternoon we were walking on "fresh" lava (only 125 yrs old) - Sullivan Bay, Santiago Island.

Amazing nature creations - pahoehoe lava drawings (lava bubble here)

Other day 7 pictures

Day 8, Thursday, April 25

6 am visit to Seymour Norte Island before the flight back to the mainland. The island is a bird paradise. We saw courtship of magnificent and great frigate birds as well as of blue-footed boobies.

Courtship of blue-footed boobies is sometimes called clown dance as the pairs (more so the male) whistle and honk, stretch their necks vertically, spread their wings, and lift feet - showing off bright blue feet.

Magnificent and great frigate birds also make interesting sounds (whistling or clacking) as part of their courtship ritual. But more interesting is to see male frigates to puff up their scarlet throat sacks and spread the wings as the female frigates are approaching.

Other day 8 pictures - more boobies!


It is amazing to see such an intense wild life in close proximity to the civilization. I think that is the best part of Galapagos Islands. The animals have an absolute right of the way. They do not care about people, fearlessly staring straight at you. So many times we were forced to get off the trail to give some privacy to iguanas, albatross, gulls, blue-footed boobies and of course sea lions. This is my last picture from Galapagos:

All seats are taken!

Galapagos photo set

The End!

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