07 August 2008

African nightmares in Buenos Aires

So to continue my fabulous story...

This morning at the embassy - I have not yet had a chance to discuss your case with the consul. Please wait.

Twenty minutes later - We can refer your case to Russia, but we do not follow up. The Embassy has other priorities. If they get back to us, we will issue a visa, but in 50% of the cases they do not respond.

I suggested to send my case to Sweden as according to the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, visas for RSA are processed there. She said she would verify and send it to the right embassy.


When she gets to it. Maybe today, maybe today [read - maybe never]

Unfortunately, you have to learn it the hard way, she told me.

I asked if she could send my case later today, so I could follow up with them tomorrow. Indefinite answer.

Well, they are one hour behind. So you can follow up with them almost immediately.

me - Who is one hour behind? Sweden? How about 6 or 7 hours ahead.

the end.

What can I say at this point. I paid the fee. My best case scenario she sends my case somewhere on Monday. The case will be reviewed and sent to New York, the city of my residence or something like that. Or it will be lost or denied or forgotten.

I guess I am coming back to New York. And I think I can blame myself for not approaching the embassy the first week in Buenos Aires. I just could not have imagined what it takes to get a visa. The website says, I quote, "the normal processing period is 2 business days. Visas from non-Argentine or non-Paraguayan residents require special referral and may take up to 5 days."

5 days, huh?


--YL said...
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Anonymous said...

I am surprised that the Embassy that got most space on your blog was the one that you said gave you most trouble!