23 September 2008

Livingstone, Zambia

My 20 day overland is over. Still more updates to come...


I have made the decision to toss out most of my stuff left in New York. It's crazy. While I am throwing away everything (donating to Salvation Army), I know that all those things would have supported a family or two in Zambia for a year. Zambia is the poorest country on my itinerary, so barter is quite common. Any salesperson on the market would have been so happy to receive really anything. All that clothing, linen, towels, even old pens, pins - anything. But the reality is that boxes are in New York and shipping costs make everything uneconomical and irrational. I can only day dream about what ifs and would have beens. For now I will give away my old t-shirts, elastic headbands, and anything I can find useless in my small backpack, which is not a lot as I have 4 more months to go.

I have never had too much stuff but even with all I had I felt wasteful by the time I had to pack it all up. I hope my lesson is learned.


Anonymous said...



Dudado said...

You are alive!!! Glad to hear it! Drop me a line, will you?

Anonymous said...

What's your number????

Dudado said...

+27 76341 6005